If you have a deformity in your upper or lower jaw, you may not have enough bone to support dental implants. This deformity could be the result of periodontal disease, denture use, developmental defects, injury or trauma. Deformities can make it hard to place the implant and also create a dent in the jaw line near the missing teeth that may be hard to keep clean and healthy.

To fix this problem, the gum is pulled back from the ridge to reveal the gap where the bone is missing. This gap is then filled with bone or a bone-like material to make the ridge thicker. Your periodontist can explain to you the different types of bone graft materials that can help to restore the lost bone and tissue.

After that, the cut is stitched up and the healing process begins. Depending on your specific needs, the bone may need to grow for from four to 12 months before implants can be placed. In some cases, however, the implant can be placed at the same time as the ridge is changed.

Ridge modification can greatly improve the look of the jaw and the success rate of the implants that can last for a long time. For patients with jaw deformities, ridge modification can improve both the appearance and the function of the dental implants. Many patients feel little pain during this procedure.