Finishing & Polishing Most Common Mistakes: How To Avoid Them
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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Finishing & Polishing Dental Restorations

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Dental restorations are an essential part of modern dentistry. Whether a simple filling or a complex crown, the final stage of any dental restoration is finishing and polishing. The finishing and polishing are crucial for ensuring the restoration is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, many dental professionals make common mistakes during the finishing and polishing process that can affect the overall quality of the restoration. 



  • Over-reliance on high-speed handpieces

High-speed handpieces can be a valuable tool for removing excess material during finishing. However, over-reliance on these handpieces can lead to problems, including heat buildup, excessive vibration, and damage to adjacent teeth. It’s essential to use low-speed handpieces and polishing instruments during the final stages of finishing and polishing to avoid these issues.



  • Skipping steps in the finishing and polishing process

Finishing and polishing are multi-step processes that require careful attention to detail. Skipping any of the steps can compromise the quality of the restoration, leading to issues such as rough surfaces, inadequate contouring, and improper occlusion.



  • Using improper or worn-out abrasive materials

Choosing the correct abrasive materials is crucial for achieving a smooth, polished surface. Using too coarse or worn-out abrasive materials can lead to rough surfaces and uneven contours. It’s essential to choose abrasive materials that are appropriate for the type of restoration and to replace them regularly.



  • Not paying enough attention to occlusion and bite alignment

Proper occlusion and bite alignment are essential for ensuring that the restoration functions correctly and does not cause discomfort or pain for the patient. Neglecting to check the occlusion and bite alignment during the finishing and polishing process can lead to premature wear, sensitivity, and fractures.



  • Failing to smooth and polish margins and interproximal areas adequately

Margins and interproximal areas are often difficult to access and require careful attention during the finishing and polishing. Neglecting to smooth and polish these areas adequately can lead to plaque accumulation, gingivitis, and other periodontal issues.



  • Ignoring the importance of moisture control 

Moisture control is crucial during the finishing and polishing process. Excessive moisture can interfere with the bonding of restorative materials, leading to debonding and discoloration. Proper isolation and moisture control are essential for achieving optimal results.



  • Using too much pressure or heat 

Applying too much pressure or heat during the finishing and polishing can damage the restoration and surrounding tooth structure. It’s essential to use a light touch and avoid generating excessive heat during the polishing process.



  • Not using a wide enough variety of polishing points and cups

Using a limited range of polishing points and cups can result in uneven surfaces and inadequate contouring. A wide range of polishing instruments is essential to achieve a smooth, polished surface.



  • Failing to clean and sterilize finishing and polishing supplies between patients adequately

Cross-contamination is a significant concern in dentistry, and failing to clean and sterilize finishing and polishing supplies adequately can put patients at risk of infection. Proper cleaning and sterilization protocols must be followed to ensure that all instruments are free from pathogens before being used on a new patient.



  • Lack of regular maintenance and replacement of finishing and polishing supplies

Finishing and polishing instruments can wear out over time, leading to suboptimal results. Replacing worn-out instruments regularly and performing regular maintenance to ensure all instruments function correctly is essential.



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